Monday, March 29, 2010

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right explanation

My love, you asked me to delete the first part of the blog, and of course I obeyed. It 'clear that this blog was not created to excite those who read it, although it is likely to affect people who understand the essence and the brain that is one thing, but not the essence of a relationship between husband and wife cuckold sweet. In fact, as in other cases, the relationship between husband and wife is different from couple to couple. In our deep love, esteem and mutual respect, the desire to be always together, understand each other without speaking ... .. looking into my eyes, to be with his legs intertwined before falling asleep, stay together regardless of gender, support each other, defend and always forgive, are the facets of our relationship, but not all. If I had to write to tell about our love is not enough the entire blog.

This blog was created for you my love, in honor because you can describe this amazing woman you are.
reluctantly I deleted that part of the post, but at the same time I realized how deep was the wound that you had left that relationship. Women who are able to face any situation, when your body than you have opened your heart, you become more fragile than I could imagine, and I have a duty not only to obey you in your decisions, but also to protect you and get you up.

Maybe you're right to say that some of the people who frequent chat erotic do not have values \u200b\u200band they know nothing but contempt, believing that God knows who, but I encourage you to think of not doing all the same brush: among so many mediocre maybe there is someone worthy of note. Would otherwise be bleak indeed the world we knew.

In fact, among many others, we also met nice people, who interpreted the joy of being together as life, but unfortunately not all are like that, not everyone understands that to get naked is not just fuck, but be themselves without veils.

Maybe we were naive, or perhaps in this world of wolves, unable to be such, we got some bite, by those who did not expect it, but the torn flesh heals, so I hope, soon your wounded heart.
I say I'm superficial, I can not understand as a man, but it is not. This story, has developed alongside each other in which I had not thought of loyalty, for the second time, again ferendoti to death. The weather made you understand that I was a stranger to those facts, and just when you launched an SOS to him, you found yourself alone. Feeling angry about that at most faults were mine, gave him an excuse to get away from you. I understand that this story has you devastated, hurt in your essence a woman, perhaps you also wondering, do not you expect it to be the man to whom you donated outright. And that's what probably makes you feel bad, the collapse of an image that you had made, or, from my point of view, a drop in style, accompanied by a lack of loyalty towards me.

Now my love is just want you to know that he and I had signed a commitment for men, which is to woo you without your knowledge, and that we would feel connected and, above all, you of all this you should not know anything.

I have kept his word, he was not. I've been disappointed when you realized I was lying about having heard, but I could never imagine that did so would be unfair of me, not realizing that, indirectly, it was also with you, as you, even hurt and disappointed, you never renounce the defense, at any cost.
course ironic that I think he felt hurt him, after reading the blog, which for me can only mean two things:
1. We did not understand anything about him -
2. He has not understood anything about our relationship, and most importantly, did not really understand anything about you.

little change in substance, and your sensitivity to women has been undermined, but certainly we have overcome the most difficult moments, and we will overcome this too, always holding hands.

Nobody, man or woman, may think to turn away from each other. Nobody can afford to criticize our own, and above all your decisions, when there is dancing in the unity of our couples. No, I mean nobody, can cherish the idea of \u200b\u200bentering into the couple and dictate our ways, terms and conditions.

the other hand, aware of what you offer, it is right that you are demanding, including its emotional / relational.

Perhaps I have dwelt a bit 'too much, but when I start talking about us, about you, then I can not stop.
're beside me, look at me and smile, you do not know that I'm writing you, but you know you're everything to me. My love, thanks for existing.


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