Monday, September 6, 2010

Beautifulagony Sampel

jute in Montevergine

It ends Sept. 12 in popular culture, the bell coming to earth of Mary / Flora / Proserpina Goddess blessing that the fertilized fields and made prosperous crops, softened the climate and paved the way to the Swallows.
The Feminine Principle in Campania has its sacred Epiphany 2 February, the day when you step onto the sacred mountain of Montevergine, once a place of worship of Cybele, Lady of the rugged mountains and protector of the eunuchs, and Artemis, Potnia Teron ( mistress of animals) to welcome the goddess of spring progressed and thawing the ice waiting for the first sun.
The link between the Virgin and the "femminiello" is ancient. Where today stands the Sanctuary, in fact, insisted centuries ago an ancient temple dedicated to the goddess Cybele, in fact, where emasculated priests, with long hair and make-up had the custom of dancing like dervishes. In their emasculated during the sacred rites, in their long dresses worn by female fashion, there was hidden the identification with the sacred feminine, their approach, including through sversamneto of blood and bloody rites, the secret nature of the Goddess. One legend traces the traditional procession of Candlemas in 1256, when two homosexuals caught in intimate behavior, were driven outside the city walls and sent to die of cold on the mountain. According to legend, two homosexuals, protected from Mom Schiavoni (the popular name given to the Black Virgin for his dark skin slave), survived the cold and hunger and a miracle.
It is worth pointing out that in the Celtic calendar February 2 (Candlemas precisely) coincides with Imbolc, known in American tradition as Groundhog Day, during which this little animal is said to go out in search of his oracular powers. Also on the Ides of February was celebrated in the Roman world a celebration in honor of the faun Lupercus, rural patron deity of the forests, the flocks, the countryside, and then responsible for the fertility of the earth. The Lupercalia then, were the party of nature renews itself, because in this period of 'years, the seeds take root, and would have eventually led to the harvest. Waiting for new life, rites took place which provided the februatio the purification of the city by a procession of women carrying lighted candles around, to symbolize the winter and spring was accepting that life was opening up to the dark light.
The feast of the purification was abolished in the fifth century by Pope Galesi I and replaced with another feast of purification, of a different sign. In fact, from that moment on, he would have commemorated the purification of the Virgin Mary, which was fulfilled forty days after giving birth, how he wanted the Jewish tradition: the woman is considered unclean who had given birth to a son and this, then, after forty days he had to go to the temple to purify themselves. The Catholic party was obviously premature, given that the forty days after Christmas falls on February 2 and is therefore on this date during the celebrations that will light the candles, the only ancient symbol of the original feast.
E 'on September 12 that the annual Goddess concludes her journey, more and more away from the earth in the dark winter months during which, not coincidentally, celebrates the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, the sacred feminine spiritual principle that is far from the materiality the world. It is concluded
ritual marked a cycle of seven feasts dedicated to the seven sisters of the Marian tradition: Our Lady of the Arch, the Madonna of the Hens, the Madonna dei Bagni, Our Lady Advocate, Letters to Santa Anna, Our Lady of Materdomini, Our Lady of Montevergine.
Of these, the last is that dark-skinned, who is hiding in shame, thinking the worst, on top of a 'rugged mountain to Montevergine., For the note. Instead, just because of his deliberate inaccessibility, ends up being the most desirable, most beautiful, charming Diosa. In fact, she opens the Year of the sacred, she closes it, the beautiful Lady of Montevergine, dark-skinned, Mom Schiavone.
tradition of our region, strongly devoted to the Marian cult, which hides an ancient Mediterranean heritage linked to the Great Mother, the first orgine Anatolian, Cretan and Greek then, these sacred festivals are accompanied by the tammurriata, the characteristic dance on the drum with deep meanings orgiastic and shamanistic character. If we add the tambourine
attribute is constant in the iconography of the Goddess, then it all comes back.

The series dedicated to the "Seven Virgins" is chronologically organized as follows:

feast of Our Lady of Montevergine, February 2 - Montevergine (AV)

feast of Our Lady of the Arch, Monday after Easter (After Easter) - St. Anastasia (NA)

feast of Our Lady of the Hens, Sunday after Easter - Pagani (SA)

feast of Our Lady of the Castle, May 3 - Somma Vesuvius (NA)

Feast of Madonna dei Bagni , Ascension Sunday - Scafati (SA)

feast of Our Lady of the lawyer, the Monday after Pentecost - Maiori (SA)

feast of Our Lady of Materdomini, August 14 - Nocera Superiore (SA)

feast of Our Lady of Montevergine, September 12 - Montevergine (AV)

this calendar first and then the agricultural ritual, hides the sacred succession of Light / Shadow Life / Death, fertility / infertility that distinguishes years the farmer, but also for those who still remember them, the inner loops of Life / Death / Life, which not only have to do with the tides of women, but with the sea of \u200b\u200blife. A
Juta (edge) that it is worth doing, if you can, treat the Mother Goddess and its cyclical withdrawal from the world waiting for a new renaissance.

Maria Luisa Pesce


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