Thursday, February 10, 2011

Good Song Choices For Auditions

Small satisfaction .... There are days

After all this, finally a post ...

I'm one that loves revenge. They make me feel good. No violence charity, only small personal satisfaction ... And a friend who knows me now linked by e-mail facebook profile of one of our old acquaintance. An old friend with whom I shared everything as if it were a brother. One person who has had a place very close to my heart and made me realize that the friendship between a man and a woman is something weak, very weak ... Just a jealous girlfriend and that's it, friendship is destroyed.
In short, she has invented things, he believed, friendship and farewell. Then he understood, and returned to look for friendship. Rumiko but does not know the word pardon, sorry, not really.
And see the ex-bassist-haired metalhead-thin and beautiful, alternative, reduced to an employee with the polo shirt with buttons closed with panzetta, and advanced with a bald head, made me just smile. Bad end, very bad, my friend.
And since (as I said at the beginning) I love the revenge, the linker this post ...
Hello Mario, was a hoot to see you today: D
And thanks to my friend, the only woman in my life despite its age and distance <3


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